Wednesday 7 September 2011

Sleeping Bag Tutorial

It’s almost the start of a new term and, one-to-one tutorials, like job interviews, would be better conducted in sleeping bags where, dress-sense, ugly hands, eccentric body language, weight of applicant/student etc, are out of sight – not an issue. Sleeping bag tutorials make for the fairest - the most unbiased - head-to-heads.
The subject of this sleeping bag tutorial, this most academic of egg-to-eggs, was to discuss Luray Caverns, Virginia where, in 1878, they discovered ‘Fried Eggs’. The drawing (itself, a plan for a cave painting) depicts both student and lecturer (bagged up, condom-like, fetus-like, egg-like; fried egg-like, even) deep in discussion, about the best way to cook eggs. The heat generated by the conversation was so intense, the weighing machine started to fry like an egg.
During the tutorial, the student was set a task: to draw scrambled eggs from memory. And not only from memory, because the student’s arms were sealed inside the bag, this scrambled egg drawing, it was drawn in the dark: a scrambled memory, blind drawn.
A final observation: the drawing pad was positioned on the student’s lap, inside the sleeping bag. To the casual observer it might have appeared as though the student was beating an egg, rather than pulling one from his memory bank.  

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